Networking under new circumstances

Youn Hee Pernling Frödin
2 min readOct 28, 2020

Networking is always crucial. I love MeetUps, but I always feel that it’s somewhat stressful before I get there. And now with Covid it’s an extreme challenge. 10 minutes networking over Zoom, after the official event program. Very difficult.

How do we best cope with this?

Not to speak of the more informal networking events. There might not even be a program. Just bring your computer and hang out and code in a communal space. Or just come and network during happy hour with likeminded people. These events can’t even exist right now. Unless you are a very small group. But not even then does most people feel comfortable.

You can still contact an interesting person on LinkedIn to get a chat on the phone or via video. Hopefully people will be more approachable online, knowing that all networking is happening anywhere else than face to face right now.

Then we also have social media. Don’t underestimate the right groups, hashtags and your extended network. Get a dialog going and maybe you can meet face to face when Covid is less present or connect with someone really far away.

Find your community and network with them. Use whatever channels they already have up and running. Whether it’s a forum or a Slack channel or something completely different.

The situation that Covid has put us in is new for all of us. We just have to find the best way to cope with it. Choose what feels right for you and it will work out just fine. Just hang in there! You are more than welcome to ping me if you like to :)

Photo by Antenna on Unsplash

