A brief update on life

Youn Hee Pernling Frödin
1 min readFeb 1, 2021

Sorry, I have been absent.

Last week I started my journey with Harvard Extension School in pursue of a certificate in Front end Wed Development. So far, so good!
I found out that I’m inconsistent in my syntax when writing HTML. I close some self closing tags, but not all.

I close the list-tag
But I do not use / in the end of link-tags for example
<link… />

I guess now is a good time to change a bad pattern.

I also work as a web developer now for an organization that has a site that is based in WP. But it also gives me the chance to work with HTML and CSS, so that is good. I have plenty of opportunities to work in PHP. It’s a bummer that I do not know that language at this moment. Something that I have realized is that CMS:s are very annoying. Sometimes a minor problem is really complicated to fix compared to if you would just have had the plain code for everything. Or sometimes you start to use a new plugin and the style on another part om the site goes completely banas. But I guess I have to appreciate the small challenges in everyday life :)

